Provincial Grand R.A.C. of Aberdeenshire

Thinking of joining the P.G.R.A.C..?

So you enjoy the Royal Arch and think you might like to join the Provincial Chapter..? Well read on...

For ease of writing I have made most references in a Royal Arch format, but the page is also applicable with a few name changes to suit Mariners Lodges and Cryptic Councils.

It needs stating that you do not need to be a member of the Ark Mariners and/or the Cryptic Council to become a member of Provincial. Its is helpful as with them you can go to all meetings/visitations, but not essential.

It is prerequisite that you are a Royal Arch Mason in good standing with your Mother or Affiliated Chapter.

My first piece of advice would be to intimate to your Companions that you are interested, this is beneficial in a couple of ways, firstly you would then find out if anyone else is interested, and secondly you can almost guarantee that someone will be able to offer some advise. Those old P.Z.'s do come in handy sometimes.

Once a year, your Chapter will receive from P.G. Scribe E. a letter outlining the years events, and stating the date of the A.G.M. (the first Friday in November).

If you followed my advice above..? your Companions will already be aware of your desire and your Chapters Scribe E. will probably just ask you to confirm your interest. If not just stand up and let your intentions be known when the general call for matters arising comes around.

Your Scribe E. will then forward your name and any other nominations to Provincial for consideration.

Alternative methods...

...turn up at the Provincial A.G.M. and either intimate to Provincial Scribe E. before the meeting or just wait till the matter arises.

...get in touch with the Provincial Scribe E. and intimate your interest directly to him.

Ultimately your intentions, one way or another, will go through Provincial Scribe E., the method you choose is entirely up to you, but I would recommend the first as it keeps everybody - for want of a better term - in the loop.

The overall procedures and structure of Provincial Grand Chapter are similar to that of the Provincial Grand Lodge, the format of the Blue or Craft Lodge will be I am sure more familiar to you.
The offices of...

...are only dealt with every 5 years. The Grand Superintendent - after being voted in by the Daughter Chapters in the Province - is commissioned by S.G.C. and he in his turn commissions his Deputes. All other offices are subject to nomination and election. Once elected they are in office for the ensuing 12 months or a successor has been installed in their stead.